dimecres, 18 de març del 2020

English Activities - SCHOOL CLOSED

Hello class! How are you? I hope all of you are happy and safe at home. I'm writing to you to let you know what English work you can do these days without going to school! ⚠⚠Important!, DON'T STRESS, ok?⚠⚠ I will give you some ideas to keep in touch with the language and to not loose the habit of working in English. I will suggest you some games, videos and activities to do at home!

You didn't bring your books with you, so don't worry about the books because we have already finished Unit 5.

Grammar Activities
  1. General Grammar Practice
  2. Future Simple Tense
  3. Present Perfect Tense (+)
  4. Present Perfect Tense (-)
  5. Present Perfect Tense (?)
  6. Past Simple Tense (Regular Verbs)
  7. Past Simple Tense (Irregular Verbs)
  1. Online Learning Zone (Level 5&6)
  2. English Games (You can do all the options on this website, but try to do: the future, perfect tense, past tense, prepositions and hangman.)
  3. Irregular Verbs Hangman
  4. Future Simple Game

  1. William Shakespeare
  2. The Channel Tunnel
  3. Sherlock Homes
  4. The Romans
  5. Recycling Centre
  6. The RNLI
  7. Materials
  8. The National Museum of Computing
  9. The National Space Centre

Reading Activities

  1. Reading Activity 1 (Read the text on the left and choose an option from the question on the right. Submit your answer, if it's incorrect it will explain you why). 
  2. Reading Activity 2 (A Restaurant Menu)-Read the text and answer the questions. There are 3 different activities to do. You have to click on "check your understanding: true or false", "check your understanding: gap fill" and "check your understanding: recommendations" and follow the instructions. 
  3. Reading Activity 3 (About the Earth) - Read the text and answer the questions. There are 3 different activities to do. You have to click on "check your understanding: Earth Quiz", "check your understanding: gap fill-numbers" and "check your understanding: superlative adjectives" and follow the instructions. 
  4. Reading Activity 4 (My Town) - Read the text and answer the questions. There are 3 different activities to do. You have to click on "check your understanding: Multiple Selection" and "check your understanding: true or false"  and follow the instructions. 
  5. Reading Activity 5 (Going Out) - Read the text and answer the questions. There are 3 different activities to do. You have to click on "check your understanding: multiple choice" and "check your understanding: true or false"  and follow the instructions. 
Competències Bàsiques
Us deixo uns dossiers de competències bàsiques per anar treballant-los. Us adjuntaré els Audios (Listening) y les el full amb les Respostes perquè pugueu fer autoavaluacio vosaltres mateixos (no feu trampes, és per practicar i totalment per vosaltres)

Comp. Bàsiques 1
- Document amb les Respostes (obrir només quan hagueu completat la prova)

Comp. Bàsiques 2
- Document amb les Respostes (obrir només quan hagueu completat la prova)

Comp. Bàsiques 3
- Document amb les Respostes (obrir només quan hagueu completat la prova)

I think that's enough... We are not at the school but we have to try to keep working! But as I told you... don't stress!! A little bit everyday, you can play, watch videos, do exercices... Practice the readings, it is the most difficult part for most of you. You can look for online books and read in English too! If you are bored... you can watch series in English (remember, English audio and English subtitles!). 
Also! I will be checking the blog everyday, if you need anything don't doubt and leave a comment and I will help you with anything, ok? Nois, si teniu dubtes o voleu dir-me alguna cosa, poseu un comentari en aquesta entrada del blog! Estaré activa per aquí cada dia, no som a l'escola però seguim connectats, ok?😀

Espero que no us estigui agobiant molt aquest confinament a casa, aprofiteu, feu feina amb moderació i tinguem esperança que això acabi aviat! I miss you!!😓
Repeteixo, qualsevol cosa, comentari a en aquesta entrada del Blog.
Resultat d'imatges per a "i can"
Resultat d'imatges per a "keep up the good work"
Ànims a tots! We can do it!

Bye, class! We keep in touch!
See you soon!!😘😘
